
How Dare You

How dare you do this to me...saying the things that you do, making me believe in crap that isn't true. How dare you walk into my life...acting like we've got some bond, like i'm some friend you've come to lean on. How dare you sit there...with a smirk on your face, telling me my place. How dare you comfort me...with your words all full of lies, telling me what I despise. How dare you come here...when I know those things aren't true, but still making me believe you. How dare you walk with me...because I know it's truth I need, not your foolish, selfish deeds. How dare you stay here still...when I want you to get out, and I'm not afraid to shout...HOW DARE YOU!

ps...in response to the last post...I think that love is our earthly connection to God. It is the way in which we can mentally begin to understand who God is. God and Love are synonymous in their purest form. Unfortunately, we on Earth have tainted both, making each of these less than they truly are.

1 comment:

Nerd-A-Lie said...

oh my dang.

beastly post.